Streamlining both operations and back-office processes with document scanning, document capture, document management, and workflow automation is crucial for companies in the automotive and transportation industries to stay competitive, whether you’re an independent auto dealer, a regional dealer franchise, trucking company, logistics provider, material handler, moving company, freight forwarder, airline, or package delivery service.
Automotive and Transportation companies are awash in paper documentation that is crucial for efficient operations, yet is inefficient to begin with, such as repair orders, deal jackets, delivery tickets, bills of lading, pick tickets, schedules, driver logs, receipts, licenses, purchase requests, MSDS, bills of lading, correspondence, and customs documentation.
ISSI clients include Delta Airlines and Norfolk Southern.
Contact us for a consultation or quote

Streamlining the Back-Office
- Repair Orders & Deal Jackets
- Human resources
- Accounts payable
- Accounts receivable
- Contract management
- Instant accessibility to all customer, transportation, and back-office documentation
- Visibility into workflows for troubleshooting and to remove bottlenecks
- Improved service and fleet management
- Simplified scheduling
- Enhanced customer service
- Compliance, e.g. providing driver documentation
ISSI’s enterprise content management (ECM) solutions help automotive and transportation companies of all types manage content better and accelerate business processes, while reducing costs associated with operations, customer service and industry compliance.