ISSI Hurricane IRMA & Availability Update
Thursday, September 7, 2017

As current projections show the likely path of Hurricane Irma crossing over the ISSI administrative offices in Darien on the coast of southern Georgia, ISSI is enacting our emergency readiness plan.
If you are an ISSI customer, employee or vendor partner, read more for details of how we plan to ensure business as usual during this time.
For ISSI Customers
All accounting and customer relationship databases are being backed up and moved to hot spare locations. Our current plans are to close the administrative office on Friday afternoon (September 8) with the likely possibility that we will be bringing systems up at alternative sites on Monday morning (September 11).
ISSI will answer all technical support calls as usual. Please call the number or send an email to the account that is customary for your particular support contract. Currently, all call center lines and email requests for support are staffed and we are anticipating no support interruptions.
For any billing or administrative support inquiries, please contact us as you normally would. Your call should be answered but if it rolls into voicemail, you should receive a call back shortly.
If you have a general question, all of our Account Executives will be “on duty” and will be happy to engage as needed.
For ISSI Employees
All payroll and benefits systems were outsourced or moved to the cloud long ago. Everything is business as usual. There will be no interruption to payroll direct deposits and employee help desk lines are staffed for normal business hours should you have any questions about payroll deductions or employee benefits.
For Vendor Partners
ISSI will pay all PO-based bills due during the next two weeks on Friday, September 8. You should never question the importance that we place on having strong partnerships to help us support our important customers. Neither 180 miles per hour winds nor a $0.49 postage stamp will keep us from paying our bills on time. You have our back 365 days a year; we have your back 365 days a year.
Ensuring Business as Usual
As we sit and wait and hope the high pressure zones go low and low pressure zones go high and push Irma off into the north Atlantic with no loss of life or limb along the Atlantic coast, please know that we have made every effort to ensure “business as usual.”
Finally, to all our customers, partners, and friends in the path of this horrible storm, we wish you safety and a swift return to normalcy. Our thoughts are with you.