Hyland OnBase Document Management vs. HR/HCM Software
Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Human Resource departments generate an enormous number of employee files, from onboarding to benefits administration, reviews, expense reporting, credentialing, and more.
HR professionals can easily be overwhelmed trying to manage so many documents, especially when records are paper and stored in filing cabinets – but also when they’re stored electronically on shared drives.
Formerly known as human resources management (HRM) and human resources information systems (HRIS) software, today’s human capital management (HCM) software is touted as able to manage these documents along with workflow automation, but this functionality often come up short compared to document management software that has included HR capabilities for over 30 years. Read on to learn how document management software like Hyland OnBase compares with HCM software.
Both Are Cloud-Based
HR professionals like the security of having sensitive employee documents and data hosted in the cloud so that internal IT personnel do not have access. They also like being able to provide auditors with a login and password so they can search and retrieve documents on their own.
Document Management
OnBase document management software has evolved and continuously improved since it was first released in 1991. As a result, there are many features within document management software that you aren’t likely to see in HCM software. Below are a few.
Document-Level Security
HR professionals can designate access per person down to the document level. With HCM software, some level of access restriction is available but not per document. User groups may be synchronized with the enterprise login groups, so that OnBase security is updated automatically when users join or leave a department. Finally, user rights can be restricted to read-only, read-write, or full access, so that users have only the permissions they need.
Auditable Document History
It is important for HR professionals and auditors to be able to identify who has seen or made changes to employee records. OnBase maintains a detailed document history of every interaction with a document, including any time the document is viewed, exported, emailed, modified, or deleted.
Encryption to Protect Information
Sensitive documents and document metadata in OnBase are encrypted at rest and in transit, to protect the confidentiality of the information within.
Automated Retention Scheduling
Ensuring that documents are retained to comply with internal and external requirements and destroyed when their retention period expires is a function of document management software that we have not seen in HCM packages. Another OnBase feature lacking in HCM software is a safeguard that prevents unauthorized users from deleting HR records, whether accidentally or intentionally.
Integration with HCM, ERP & More
Hyland OnBase integrates with Oracle PeopleSoft, Workday and every other major HR and ERP software – over 500 applications in all. OnBase’s API interface allows for the creation of additional custom integrations, including advanced functionality. As a result, OnBase acts as a central repository for all your unstructured content and intelligently links HR files and processes to the corresponding employee data in other applications, offering HR staff a complete view of an employee’s information from one screen.
Benefits of integration:
- Increase user productivity by eliminating application switching and automating manual tasks
- Improve data accuracy and reduce re-keying of information by pulling data directly from the application screen
- Expedite and improve business decision-making by delivering immediate access to supporting documents
- Reduce training costs and accelerate user adoption by allowing users to remain in their familiar business application
Use in Other Departments
OnBase document management can be used by any department, especially accounts payable (AP), with costs spread out accordingly.
Workflow Automation
HCM software includes rudimentary workflows that can’t easily be modified, if at all. OnBase document management workflow allows HR professionals to build custom processes that can:
- Eliminate paper forms and automatically route them for review, processing and approval
- Significantly speed up new employee recruitment and selection via electronic capturing, storing and routing of applicant files
- Electronically store and distribute policies and procedures, ensuring every employee is instantly updated when changes are made
- Track and report on employee safety training and certifications, including reminder notifications prior to expiration
- Automate essential tasks such as policy and procedure signoffs, employee onboarding and termination
- Load balance workflow processing tasks across multiple HR team members, to make sure that requests are processed correctly and on time
How to Get Started
Contact the HR document management and workflow experts at ISSI to see if OnBase is right for you and learn how you can maximize its use in your organization.