How to Get Started with Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Thursday, February 17, 2022

Implementing RPA within your organization involves identifying redundant, time-consuming processes that can be streamlined with automation.
From transferring data between platforms to automating other mundane, manual tasks, robotic process automation (RPA) mimics the behavior of a human worker to streamline your business processes.
Organizations commonly overlook the value of RPA due to concerns that it will be difficult to implement, costly to maintain, and limited in its ROI. However, with the right tools and partner to implement it, RPA can revolutionize your workflow, recouping hundreds or thousands of hours of knowledge worker productivity.
Integrating RPA into Your Existing Business Processes
The beauty of RPA is its ability to integrate disparate systems, streamlining your workflow into a singular, hands-free process.
Data entry is a time-consuming task if performed manually. With RPA, you can reduce this to a fraction of the time and effort, relieving your employees of repetitive, tedious tasks and allowing them to focus on more strategic work.
Common Applications of RPA
RPA’s application depends greatly on the industry, type of work being performed, and the scope of the company’s needs.
For HR departments, RPA works well with onboarding, automatically gathering information for background checks by scraping the web personal information. Once the data is captured, the web robot will create a PDF and upload it to the HR system.
Another common application is within accounting departments where RPA is utilized to further streamline AP invoice processing beyond what workflow automation can do. In this scenario, the technology automatically captures, downloads and uploads vendor invoices into your accounting software or ERP system.
Get the Most Out of Your RPA
To optimize the application of robotic processing, companies will first want to audit your manual, data entry-intensive processes to identify what repetitive steps can be automated.
Even if RPA save one of your team members two hours a week on a repetitive task, that’s 100 additional hours (2.5 additional weeks) of productivity that can be spent on more strategic, profitable and perhaps customer-facing work.
How Can You Apply RPA to Your Organization?
If you’re unsure of what to automate within your organization, contact us. How RPA is applied within an organization varies greatly, so we can help you determine the processes that can be streamlined with this technology that generate the greatest ROI.
ISSI has decades of experience identifying, developing and implementing automation solutions for clients across a variety of industries. The ISSI team looks forward to helping you learn more about RPA, show you a demo, explore RPA as a service, and provide you with a quote.