5 Ways You Can Benefit From the OnBase Mobile Offline Experience
Wednesday, June 15, 2022

As the global workforce becomes more mobile, businesses face pressure to become more mobile as well. But when processes and people leave your office walls, the lack of access to information and connection to business systems can create challenges — especially when network connectivity is sparse or unreliable.
No Internet Connection? No Problem
With a mobile briefcase capability, OnBase document management software equips your mobile workforce to access information and drive business processes from their iPad or Windows tablet devices, even without an internet connection.
Overview Video
What Can Your Workforce Accomplish With the OnBase Mobile Offline Experience?
1. Maintain Easy Access to All Needed Documents
While working on their tablet device, staff no longer need to email themselves or print out documents. Instead, they simply select specific content to take offline, and OnBase intelligently ensures that all related documents and forms are also accessible. In addition, OnBase can automatically assign work to a user’s mobile briefcase based on certain rules or business processes.
2. Collect Information & Signatures
Staff can easily complete electronic forms, add notes to documents and capture electronic signatures directly on their tablet device — even when disconnected from the network. Forms inherit information from related documents to improve the experience for both mobile workers and the customers, clients or patients they serve.
3. Capture Images to Build a File
While offline, field or traveling workers use their device’s camera to capture images. Then staff can easily associate captured images to other content in OnBase, such as completed forms, to create a complete file.
4. Support Security & Audit Needs
The OnBase mobile apps automatically inherit permission settings from OnBase, ensuring that staff only access, complete and upload the documents, forms and images appropriate for their role. And with an audit trail of all changes employees make to disconnected documents, you ensure full visibility once they’re synchronized back into OnBase.
5. Continue Business-Critical Processes to Boost Productivity
By enabling your mobile workforce to interact with and update key content while offline, you minimize process delays and ensure continuity for work that depends on offsite data collection. When an internet connection becomes available, staff easily sync new or updated content back into OnBase — automatically continuing related processes or triggering new processes.
Contact us to learn more about the OnBase mobile offline experience