ABBYY Timeline Process Intelligence Software

Transform Your Log Files into Rich Analysis & Process Improvement

ABBYY FlexiCapture Software

Are you making hiring, software acquisition, equipment purchasing, and other decisions relying on anecdata? Are your process flow diagrams a tangled mess? How is your process IQ?

ABBYY Timeline log file analysis and process intelligence software allows you to have full process visibility into your high volume process data with visual modeling, so that you can make identify bottlenecks, make process improvement decisions with confidence, cost justify changes, and establish specific ROI goals. You can only improve what you understand.

ABBYY Timeline is perfect for applications with log files containing lots of data: financial services, claims processing, AP invoice processing, medical admissions, and much more – and is a perfect complement to workflow automation and RPA, enabling before-and-after comparisons demonstrating the impact of these process improvements. ABBYY Timeline is cloud software with a subscription paid on an annual basis based on how many data points and projects used. It costs a fraction of business intelligence (BI) software.

ABBYY Timeline Visual Data Modeling

ABBYY Timeline Processing Metrics

As soon as log file data is loaded ABBYY Timeline immediately provides profile metrics for your business processes.

ABBYY Timeline Process Instances

Timeline automatically reconstructs process instances from your data even when that data is sourced from multiple systems.

ABBYY Timeline Process Schemas

Process schemas are automatically detected in both structured and ad hoc (case management) business process environments.

How ABBYY Timeline Works: 4 Steps

ABBYY Timeline Process Intelligence Software

1. Discovering & Mapping

ABBYY Timeline extracts data from log files to track specific events as part of your processes even across multiple systems of record, including ERP, CRM and document management. Timeline then visually models these time stamps in such a way that you can instantly identify variations from your ideal process flow to find the root cause of process problems that may be costing your business time and money.

2. Analysis & Optimization

ABBYY Timeline can make sense of all data—every person, every step, and every workstation involved—and automatically organize and visually display your entire process, end-to-end. With this insight, it becomes easy to identify bottlenecks – sometimes in places you weren’t even looking.

Timeline shows you every path that your process takes, and how often that path is used. You may be surprised by the odyssey that work follows through your organization.

3. Process Monitoring & Alerting

Identify inefficient variations and set rules for your processes. Alert the right staff or automate remediation to ensure processes are functioning efficiently. Eliminate bad processes before they happen with ongoing monitoring of protocols.

4. Process Prediction & Forecasting

Predict the future process state. Combine process mining with machine learning and artificial intelligence to achieve highly integrated and fully automated insights to forecast processes in their future state and take action to ensure positive outcomes.

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